Thursday, October 13, 2011

"I'll be eating out tonight..."


Dear sweet everything, this pic is simply amazing.  VP started it as a blatant copy of some piece of classical art or something that he had found and I adopted it and had him turn it into Angel and Fox.  Angie's face and hair and the colors are especially striking!!

It took a while to pair off the Garg girls in my mind.  I had Demona and Elisa together at first until VP convinced me how that could NEVER work.  Then I paired Fox and Angie for a hidden affair!  Then I went to the Wincest of Demona and Angie... Ah Gargoyles!  You know if VP ever gets his shit together I should get an Angie/Delilah or Elisa/Delilah

PacoBell... The MAGNUS


  1. "could never work", huh? the same could be said for any pairing outside a show's specifically-stated canon coupling, including the ones you mentioned.

    Frankly, I think, under the right circumstances, Demona/Elisa could work, since the only major hangups (since canon sexual references are NEVER a hindrance for erotic and romantic fanworks) are Demona's self-convinced belief that all humans are evil (which can be undone, given patience and time) and Goliath (who could probably be dissuaded from pursuing Elisa once it sinks in human/Gargoyle halfbreeds can't exist, and that he'd probably never get it to fit anyway - no guy, no matter how stoic and classically romantic, would be able to handle a relationship where sex was impossible, I think.)

    Plus, hey, it's less obvious that Fox/Elisa and less controversial than Demona/Angie.

  2. I only say because Demona does not just hate humanity, though I do like stories where she ends up with a human woman, Demona hates Elisa because she sees her as making Goliath turn away from her. I believe that she sees Elisa as the reason she lost another chance with her clan. That being said I read an excellent fanfic where magic on the breeders moon supplied by Puck had Demona get Elisa pregnant.
