Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks and Harry

Tonks I think gets the most vocal support from any board I posted my pics on in the past.  I like the contrast of the older woman and the younger man plus I like her punk look.  These are some of the first with Harry himself drawn.  Harry well I had many artists work on him with many interpretations ranging from ok to god awful.  It wasn't till later commissions that I could start calling them good.   Even if the face looks good like in the BJ pic it doesn't look like Harry as I would imagine him.  Well that and we got the hair color wrong >.<

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hermione Harry

Hermione Granger Harry Potter

Another of the girls with Harry where harry is not visible, also another of my favorite Potter pics.  The colors here are especially vibrant and the pose is great.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood Harry Potter

This is by far one of my favorite Potter pics.  The smile and eyes I thought were perfect for luna.  I also really like the way VP went about Luna's hair making it twisted and a little tangled.  The cute hearts popping out are a good touch and naturally the foot emphasis is key!  I had him add a scar to Harry's leg cause Harry is always getting beat up, just another character identifier. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson

Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter

Not the first of my Faceless Harry with Potterverse girls scene but it had different women in it so I wanted to post it first.  VP went with a generic looking Narcissa here with a very generic lingerie.  I think this would have been better without her at all even though she is drawn well she is just... generic haha!

I see this scene as Harry getting back at Draco by seducing his mom and then girlfriend or vice versa the women are punishing draco by sleeping with his worst enemy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley

I think this was the last of the solo girls I got in the initial run and I might have even picked her up later as I am not overly fond of Ginny.  I love her look, athletic tomboy with freckles but like Ron I hate the character!  So while I have a few with her they are far between.  There were some rather amusing comments about her creepy toes >.<  I think she is over busty here too... Hmmm

Luna Lovegood

I adore Luna she is one of my favorite characters and I think VP did a great job of capturing her in this pic with her wide silver/bue eyes the wand behind her ear and a quirky pose. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fleur Delacour

Unlike the rest of my VP Potter pics this Fleur was requested to have the likeness of the actress.  It was at best ok and many people thought is it was Mister B. Natural... Whatever that is >.<

The pose is brilliant and I wanted it to be used for an Elisa Maza but VP was out of her skin color so we decided to go with Fleur.

Nymphadora Tonks

Nymphadora Tonks VP

Next from the Harry Potter Series is Tonks!  I love this pose and am quite fond of the Yogi Bear look.  The top with no bottoms :)  This style of Tonks is taken from a random fanart I had found.  I will post the original pic but am having trouble loading it >.<
There it is! If anyone knows the artist please let me know :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger  Artist VP

Even though I am slowly commissioning more stuff I will only be posting Potter pics until I have posted all of them.

This first gem I believe is my first Potter pic by VP.  Hermione is getting a bit hot while reading a book.  We had several series with the girls as singles, with them having sex with a faceless partner "Harry"  From there I did a few pics of a fully visible Harry with the girls and then a Hermione series.  I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

X-men 168

 Kitty Pryde

This is my newest pic from VP.  This is the first pic he's gotten finished that I have not paid for separately in a year for stuff I paid for a year ago >.<  Anyway this is an image I had in mind for ages a sexy homage to X-men cover 168.  For some bizarre reason he put nipple rings on her and I had him edit them off.  Also I asked for yellow and black panties... In hindsight I should have nixed the gloves but this remains awesome.

this is the final comic pick starting next will be my very large Harry Potter collection!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Illyana Dani Moonstar

Illyana Rasputin, Dani Moonstar
Artist Saniika

This is amazing in the detail put into it!  This is a Modern look at the Yana/Dani couple I started promoting 8 years ago.  This has Illyana in here hybrid demon form though instead of the sexpot version in recent comics it is a mix between that and the more demonic look from the 80's.  Dani is drawn more muscular and Athletic here. 

The story behind this pic is Yana is showing Dani her Demon side letting her know that if they truly want are to have a life together that Dani needs to accept all of her, which Dani happily does!